Friday, December 4, 2009

Fun Day

Well, mommy and I finally started doing some yoga today. First, we went to the mall and met our friend Kay for a walk. Unfortunately after our walk mommy noticed I had lost a shoe, oh well. Then we got home and mommy changed my extremely wet diaper, which had soaked through all my clothes, but I was still smiley. After mommy ate we got down on the floor and crawled around for a while, before mommy decided to lay on her back and fly me on her shins. We bounced, we flew, and we sang wheels on the bus; so much fun. We also did hop along yogi and head, shoulders, knees and toes.....these are some of my favorite things to play with mommy. Maybe we can try some chanting tonight. I used to roll around in mommy's belly when she chanted OM.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Little Behind Schedule

Well, we have yet to begin our daily yoga practice. I was supposed to start this last week and am just waiting for mommy to get off her bum and get motivated. I think sometimes she feels like there is just not enough time in the day, but I try to tell her it will only take 30 seconds, even if all we do is take 3 breaths and chant OM once.

I guess I can't say too much, I have been a little fussy off and on the past week. Oh, did you know I just cut tooth number 4! I think if we just take a moment first thing in the morning, even if I am being rolly polly all over the living room, and sit and breathe our days will go by much smoother. I think mommy sometimes forgets to breathe and gets frustrated, after all I don't have words yet to let her know what it is I need. Maybe if we start practicing Yoga daily it will help to settle my tummy, I mean seriously, I am almost seven months old and still spit up constantly, it's quite disgusting. Oh well, I am going to nap and let mommy do some housework...maybe! :)